Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Q Contents Page Analysis

Hey Everyone,

For my final contents page analysis I have chosen to do another Q contents page. This Q contents page is quite different to the last Q contents page I analysed, but they both still have the blocky look.  I think a way this contents page has really captured your attention is the use of different shapes. I really like how they have sectioned everything of to their own square with a picture and a small description of what that article is about, but each squared has been set out a different way, for example the pictures are all arranged differently, some are the full picture others have some of the image sticking out of the main image, one has been cut out to just the person and another has been shaped to a circle. I like the idea of having each story put in a separate section as this is something I have already thought about from previous analyzing. I also really like the idea of making the images all slightly different in a way even if it’s just changing the outer shape of the picture so I think on my contents page if I have an appropriate picture to do something like that with I might try it to give my contents page a sort of edgy look and catch people’s attention. Another thing I like is the page numbers; they have put them into speech bubbles which I think is another really good use of shapes. They have made each speech bubble a different colour so they stand out from the plain white background making sure that the text inside the bubble is an appropriate colour to be seen against it, they are also the only main bits of block colour on the page which also draws attention to them. I really like this idea, especially the use of colour against the white background, it really adds emphasis on the page numbers as well as adds a splash of colour to do the page. For my magazine I think I might use the idea of colour against a plain background for some aspect of the page to make it stand out but it might not necessarily be for the page numbers.  Another think I think looks good on this contents page is the plug near the top of the page next to one of the articles telling you that that article is a 25 page special. They have put this text in a circle and made the outline yellow, this makes it stand out again the picture for the article as well as the plain background. I think the idea of having something like that is quite good as it advertises the fact that there is a really special article which is 25 pages long, it also adds the shape look on the page and the splashes of colour. Although I think it looks good on this magazine contents page I don’t think that I would use this on my contents page as I think the idea of a 25 page special is a bit excessive but I might use the idea of having something similar to make a certain piece of writing stand out or maybe for a subtitle for something. Finally i like how the title of the page is in a banner. They have made the banner black and then have the Q in its normal red and the title of the page in white making the whole tittle really stand out as the black catches your attention against the white background and then the title stands out against the black background. It has also include which issue is it above the title of the page in white so that stands out and people know that what they are going to read is recent information. I really like this idea as it makes the title stand out as well as giving the page a edgy look and making it still have some aspects of professionalism. I am going to keep this idea in mind for when I create my contents page as I think it would fit in with the style of contents page I want to create.

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