Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Q Analysis

Q326For my fourth analysis I chose to do another cover of Q magazine. This cover picture is similar in a way to the last Q cover I analysed as they are messing about pulling faces just like Robbie was on the last issue of Q I analysed. The main thing I liked about this cover is how they've made the band look like they are interacting with the words on the cover as they have been positioned behind the words and been made to look like they are kicking the words on the cover. They've then made the words on the cover slanted to make it like they've been hit and put off balance. This really gives the cover some depth and doesn't just make it look flat; I think this gives a professional touch. They've used the same three colours again by only using the red for band names and then the white for other writing to keep the cover simple to read even though there’s a lot going on and make sure that the writing stands out against the darker colours of the background. They've also done the same thing that MOJO did by having the bands heads in front of the title of the magazine as they are confident that people will know and recognize their magazine without needing to read it. They've used a plug at the top of the magazine with a special in it to catch your attention and make you want to buy the magazine to read about the special inside. The cover of the magazine that they are saying is their special is the only thing on the cover that is a different colour to the rest of the magazine; this also makes it stand out as its eye catching. You can tell what target audience this magazine is for just by looking at it, the names of the bands on the front give it away as well as the style that the bands dressed in. The things that I am going to take on board from this analysis is that I don’t have to make the photo on the front of my cover look serious, I could have my model laughing at something or make it look like they’re interacting with the rest of the cover to try and give my own magazine cover some depth. I won’t be considering the idea of creating a special on the front on my magazine as this would mean that I would have to create a special to go inside the magazine and that would be adding work to the cover, contents and double page spread that I am already going to be creating. Although if I do choose to have an add on to the front or I want one particular thing to stand out I will use the idea of making that one thing a different colour to the rest of the colour scheme that I have used.

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